
Apply salt on face in winter: will get rid of pimples, scars, wrinkles, swelling

Salt not only enhances the taste of food, but also enhances its beauty. You just need to know how to use salt for which beauty problem. Know the benefits of salt from beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain.

Apply salt to the skin in winter:Salt rich in sodium chloride is extracted from the sea, due to which many minerals are found in it. This is considered to be very beneficial for the skin along with health. When all these minerals are lost in the skin, the skin becomes dry and rough.

Skin becomes more dry in winter. In such a situation, include kitchen salt in your beauty routine. Salt removes the dryness of the skin and hydrates it. Salt increases blood circulation in the skin, which increases the beauty of the skin.

Mix coconut oil or olive oil with salt to lighten skin tone in winter. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to it for a nice aroma. Scrub the whole body thoroughly with this scrubber before taking a bath. This will remove all the dirt and dead skin and leave the skin looking soft and glowing.

Use salt as a body scrub to brighten and soften skin. The minerals in the salt remove dead skin, keep the skin hydrated, making the skin glow and softer than before.

To make a salt scrub, add two to four drops of water to one teaspoon of salt and massage gently on the face. It removes all the dirt, blackheads and dead skin from the skin and makes the skin soft and glowing.

Salt will remove wrinkles: Salt also works as an excellent anti-aging treatment. The minerals in the salt remove wrinkles and give a youthful glow to the face. To remove wrinkles with salt, mix 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 vitamin E capsules and a few drops of geranium essential oil in one tablespoon of sea salt. Massage your face with this mixture. Wash the face with lukewarm water for 15 minutes. Doing this beauty treatment twice a week prevents the growth of wrinkles.

Get rid of acne with salt:If you have pimples and rashes on your face, applying kitchen salt can be very beneficial for you. For this mix salt and honey and make a paste. Apply this paste on the face. After 15 minutes, soak a cloth or sponge in warm water and wipe the face with it.

Make a toner from salt:Those with oily skin can use salt as a toner. For this, add lukewarm water and a teaspoon of salt in a spray bottle and mix it well. Spray this water on the face morning and evening. Then soak the cotton in clean water and clean the face. Doing this daily removes dirt and excess oil from the face and increases the glow of the skin.

Add shine to nails with saltMix some warm water with salt, baking soda and lemon juice to make nails strong and shiny. Soak the nails in this solution for 10-15 minutes. Then wash the nails and apply moisturizer.

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